
Making the First Call – What to Expect

One of the hardest things is making that first call.  It can be a staggering and emotional step.

Granted, it’s sometimes fuelled by rage and shock after the discovery of an affair, hidden debts, or sadly, domestic abuse.

Still, I’m often moved by the courage it takes for people to initiate this pivotal conversation.

good family lawyer will listen, assess, and advise, without inflaming emotions or pushing the client in a direction that might provide a quick-hit for their business.

Often, the callers cry.  And that’s ok.

We understand the upheaval and trauma associated with the break-up of a marriage.   And while some people regard lawyers as arrogant and aggressive, many of us do indeed feel emotions during these calls and even during negotiations.  Empathy makes us more effective on behalf of our clients.

At my firm, we are seasoned, professional, strong, and understanding.  It’s a must when your firm’s mission statement includes “we offer hope.”

So what can you expect from that first call to M&Co Law Firm?  While it is an emotional turning point, it does NOT mean you are committing to getting divorced or even initiating the process.   We help you gather information.

The call will not be stressful.  There is no need to prepare before we speak, yet sometimes it helps the potential client if they learn more about the process first, as this allows us to spend more time addressing your specific circumstances.  We spend the time speaking to you about your issues and your options.  We urge you to gather as much information and fact as possible in order to make the decision to divorce on your own terms.  If you believe divorce is the right option to best move forward, we want you to make sure you consider Collaborative Law as the process.

During the call, we will explain our collaborative approach and why we feel strongly that it’s usually in everyone’s best interest to avoid giving a judge and the courts power over your finances, parenting decisions, and your futures.

On that first call, we explain how collaborative law is a non-adversarial approach that requires both parties to work together in good faith through what we call a “participation agreement.”   This agreement is facilitated by TWO specially trained Collaborative Lawyers and often, third-party (and neutral) specialists.  These specialists may be a social worker and a financial neutral.

In essence, we all work as a team to map out the best possible resolution for you and your children.

Once you decide to divorce, the two most important decisions you make will involve choosing the right lawyer and choosing the right process.

Reaching for the phone to make that first call can be daunting, but it can be liberating as well.

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